Hephaestus Industry LLC
Reaching For The Stars
Since mankind discovered fire we have learned to adapt to every challenging environment that our home planet has presented us with. Now, as humanity reaches for the stars, we are once again faced with the challenges of an environment that is as unfamiliar as it is hostile. Hephaestus Industries seeks to help humanity establish itself as a multiplanetary civilization through innovation and adaptive technologies that will help push our species beyond the confines of our ancestral home. Whether we look to the moon, Mars, Venus, the inner asteroid belt, or beyond, Hephaestus Industries will be there to help our civilization make use of what we find to make the goals of our species a reality in a safe, sustainable fashion.
Hephaestus Industry LLC Services
Moving away from our planetary home is no small challenge. Whether looking for new sources of fuel to transport us across the solar system, or providing our people shelter once they arrive, or making our new homes a sustainable place for mankind to live, Hephaestus Industries will be there.

Raw Materials
One of the biggest challenges facing mankind in the exploration of space is the cost and energy needed to move goods from our home planet to space and then to the worlds beyond. As mankind seeks to establish a foot hold on the moon, and subsequently Mars, Hephaestus Industries will be there to help acquire the raw materials needed to establish safe, self-sufficient habitats.

In order to make these dreams a reality, new technologies in mining, material processing, and onsite manufacturing will be needed to tackle the harsh working environment of space. In cooperation with NASA and other organizations, Hephaestus Industries seeks to develop the technologies needed to meet the needs of planetary colonists.
This is an excavator rover NASA designed and what our first rover will mimic.
Committed to Excellence

First steps:Â Cut Steel and order more steel.
Will be coming together soon.
I will keep updating as we go.

Update Bending and Riveting started
We have some steel cut and starting to bend and rivet.
Hephaestus Industry LLC busy creating and making it happen.
We are still learning how to create and edit my webpage and creating computer aided designs. Some things we are working on gets cut in house and others are ordered online. As we go along we will get more done in house.
We are a growing company.
We are slowly growing right now. We are creating designs submitting for patents on some of our many ideas. We hope to get larger soon.
We are designing things for commerce.
We are looking at working with a coffee brand.  We are also doing custom patches and coins in the future. So, when we do our crowdsourcing campaign, we have many things for each level. So, just shirts now and soon many other things.
Companies that have helped. Thank you all.

Rocket Motors
Geosynchronous Laboratories
These amazing people worked with us so we can have a rocket motor with ultra low thrust. That way we can melt the regolith and make roads and land areas on future Lunar bases. You should visit their website

Rocket motors
Featured Item
This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image of the product to give your customers a way of visualizing what you are selling.
SN1 Rover
SN1 Rover



Meet Our Team
Dedicated to Quality

Todd Heath
I graduated from Texas A&M University with a BS in Marine Science. I am also a US Army combat veteran from 2000-2005. Reserves 2005 -2010. I have worked in the oilfields and now work as a physical scientist until I can get this amazing company off the ground and onto another ground.

Tony Vaught
Master of Bytes or Computer Software.
Tony Vaught is an essential part of the team and has been with Hephaestus Industry LLC since the very beginning. As our Master of Bytes, he is focused on bring the software to our amazing software. He has earned his degree in Computer Gaming development. Tony is also a US Army Combat veteran.  Tony is shy of cameras.

Tina Pennartz
CFO and Personnel Manager
Tina Pennartz has played a crucial role in the continued success of the business. Their exceptional skill set, true passion and creativity has inspired massive growth.

Sebastian Heath
Mascot Of Hephaestus Industry
Sebastian is the passion here. He greats everyone and cannot wait to build this business up so he can greet more people. We are a dog loving company. Sebastian lays down and watches all work around every machine. Quality control his high for him. I mess up on something he is ready to give a tongue lashing. One day we will have a" dogs of the moon section."